Doing business in Latvia

18 maart 2019

De ledenreis van VNO-NCW Midden gaat dit jaar van 25 t/m 29 september naar Helsinki en Letland. Wij maken u graag attent op een voorlichtingsbijeenkomst op 11 april aanstaande betreft zaken doen in Letland, georganiseerd door de Letse Ambassade in Nederland en de Letse investeringsoffice te Utrecht. Deze bijeenkomst kan bijdragen aan de voorbereiding voor de ledenreis.

On April 11th, 2019
the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) with the support of the Embassy of Latvia in The Netherlands and the Honorary Consul of Latvia in Amsterdam will organize a seminar
Doing business in Latvia
in Utrecht

Did you know that nearly 4/5 of the Latvia’s engineering sector’s total output is exported to approximately 100 countries around the world? One of the Baltic unicorns, Latvian economy grew by 4.8% GDP in 2018 and no wonder in the recent years more foreign and homegrown companies are achieving growth and reaching global export markets from Latvia. They choose Latvia not only to source solutions and to obtain contract manufacturing services but to do research and to develop innovative products, which help their business become even momre competitive. Amongst them are also well-known Dutch companies Brabantia and Samskip VanDieren Multimodal and renown engeneering company Witteveen+Bos. In fact, Netherlands is amongst the largest investors in Latvia and thus we would like invite you to join us on 11th April at 14.00 in City Hub, Utrecht to learn directly from Marcel van de Velde, former COO of Brabantia and Henk Van Dieren, CEO at Samskip Van Dieren Multimodal and Egbert Teunissen, Director Business Line Energy Water and Environment at Witteveen+Bos, on why they chose to grow their business in Latvia.

  • Brabantia opened a factory in Latvia in 2008. Nowadays Brabantia produces bread crates, ironing boards and laundry dryers for exports to Europe. Why did Brabantia choose Latvia? How did they tackle the project? Were there any challenges? What are the results?
  • Van Dieren Transport has been active in Latvia since the beginning of the ninetees. What was it like doing business in those years? And how did Van Dieren grow into Samskip VanDieren?
  • Witteveen+Bos officially opened in Riga in 2002 and took over engineering company Tebodin that had been active in Latvia since 1997. Since then Witteveen + Bos have carried out many remarkable projects, such as the movable bridge in Ventspils, port terminals in Ventspils and Riga, a mobility plan for Riga and Pieriga and the reconstruction of railway terminals.

The seminar will be opened by welcome speech from the Ambassador of Latvia to the Netherlands Kingdom H.E. Ilze Rūse and continue with the presentation from the Head of Represetnative office of the Investment and Development agency of Latvia Alise Pika about the country’s economic performance and business opportunities for the Dutch companies. The event will be moderated by Katarina Hartgers, Latvia’s Honorary Consul in Amsterdam.

To attend the seminar please fill in the information in the registration form.
To find out more about the programme and speakers please visit the seminar website.
*Precise location details will be sent after the registration. Free car parking will be available.

Seminar language: Dutch and English
Target audience: Manufacturers from diverse sectors, especially, the packaging industry, textile, machine building, metalworking, electrical engineering and logistics.